• Structuring the transaction, ensuring compliance with all regulatory bodies.
  • Assisting the external lawyers in the preparation of the business transfer documents.
  • Attending meetings for the structuring and finalizing of transactions.
  • Preparing the transaction documents on behalf of the Client.
  • Preparing and executing the closing documents.
  • Billed and secured the transaction amount from the Client.


1. Big Pharma / Divestment of a Public Company / USD 3.7 Billion
  • The company (market cap USD 6+ billion) sold its formulations business in India to a big American Pharma company (market cap USD 126+ billion).
  • This was initially considered an impossible deal. All major multinational law firms initially retained by the Client said it could not be done due to regulatory and contractual issues.
  • The deal involved assets and negotiations in multiple jurisdictions and external lawyers in the UK & USA.
  • Despite major regulatory hurdles we came through with a legal strategy and deal structure that passed muster, and we executed this deal for our Client.
2. Big Pharma / Acquisition of a Public Company / USD 100+ Million
  • Worked on a purchase deal and acted for a Swiss multinational healthcare company (market cap USD 221+ billion) across multiple jurisdictions.
  • The Swiss company purchased a USA based analytics company with a data processing center in India that helps laboratories parse data to make business strategy decisions.
  • The deal involved assets and negotiations in multiple jurisdictions and external lawyers in the USA.
3. Big Pharma / Divestment of Public Company / USD 89 Million
  • Advised a subsidiary of a US-listed firm (market cap USD 226+ billion) in connection with the transfer of the business of research, development, marketing, distribution, and sale of health products and all goodwill associated therewith.
  • Advised on procedural aspects involved in obtaining public shareholders’ approval.
4. FMCG / Divestment of a Public Company / USD 11.24 Million
  • Acted on behalf of an American multinational consumer products company (market cap USD 61+ billion) focused on the production, distribution, and provision of household, healthcare, and personal care products.
  • The firm was entrusted with the sale of one of the company’s divisions to a wholly-owned subsidiary of its holding company by way of a slump sale.
5. Industrial Chemicals / Divestment Deal / USD 4.6 Million
  • Acted on behalf of a listed German company (market cap USD 277+ million) that sold its shares held in an Indian subsidiary to a chemical producer (market cap USD 165+ million).
  • The deal involved negotiations in multiple jurisdictions, including external lawyers in Germany, UK & India.
6. Industrial Chemicals / Divestment Deal / USD 1.12 Million
  • Acted on behalf of a Swiss headquartered world-leading specialty chemical company (market cap USD 6.3+ billion) that sold their Indian chemical production business to a private entity in Singapore.
  • The deal involved negotiations in multiple jurisdictions, including Singapore and Switzerland.


  • Acted on behalf of an Indian real estate developer to finance, build and furnish a hotel of international standards.
  • Worked on a Hotel Operations Services Agreement on behalf of an Indian real estate developer.
  • Negotiated several contracts with a USA based multinational hospitality company that manages and franchises luxury hotels, resorts, and vacation properties worldwide.
  • Vetted, revised and negotiated –
      1. The Hotel Operations Services Agreement.
      2. The Strategic Oversight Agreement.
      3. The Technical Services Agreement.
      4. The Trademarks License Agreement.
B.1 Industry – FMCG
  • Acted on behalf of the Chairman of an Indian multinational corporation (market cap USD 11+ billion) against whom a shareholder had moved a resolution for removal from the board of the company.
  • Conferred with Client; prepared brief to be filed in Company Law Board; instructed lawyers who were appearing in the matter.
B.2 Industry – FMCG
  • Represented a USA based multinational FMCG & consumer products company (market cap USD 58+ billion) in certain disputes that arose with a joint venture partner based outside India.
  • Conferred with Client; prepared and issued legal notice; prepared brief to be filed in Courts in Nepal; instructed and trained the lawyers appearing in Court.
B.3 Sports & Entertainment
  • Advised and represented an Indian Premier League cricket team during arbitration and in the High Court.
  • Held conferences with various stakeholders involved in the matter located in London, Australia, and India.
B.4 Industry – Heavy Engineering
  • Actively assisted an Arbitrator in ICC Arbitration proceedings held in London.
  • Perused documents filed by the claimant and respondent.
  • Prepared brief for the arbitrator, held with briefing sessions with the arbitrator.
B.5 Industry – Big Pharma
  • Represented various pharmaceutical companies in various courts by filing challenges to drug price notifications issued by the concerned Indian regulatory body.
  • Prepared motions and applications to obtain interlocutory and final reliefs.
  • Engaged and instructed outside counsel whenever required to appear in the matter in the High Court.
C.1 Industry – IT / Electronic Commerce
  • Advised an e-commerce company on the structuring of their B2B and B2C arrangements in view of Foreign Direct Investment regulations.
C.2 Industry – Telecommunications
  • Advised a large mobile phone company on the implications of the proposed changes to the Articles of Association of the company in view of the various judicial precedents.
C.3 Industry – Big Pharma
  • Advised various pharmaceutical companies on the implications of the Medical Council of India regulations on the Code of Conduct for doctors.
  • Acted on behalf of a multinational pharmaceutical and life sciences company to buy back its securities from existing shareholders pursuant to the provisions of the SEBI Buy Back Regulations.
C.4 Foreign Entities & Foreign Direct Investors
  • Advised various entities and individuals on legal aspects of foreign direct investment in India.
  • Advised on business structuring, the conduct of operations, establishment of SPVs in view of the prevailing FDI Policy.
  • Procurement of government approvals, drafting applications to the Foreign Investment Promotion Board.
  • Advised on various government rules and regulations in a variety of sectors & businesses.
  • Advised on various aspects pertaining to other possible investment routes in India, i.e., investments through FIIs, Non-Resident Indians, Persons of Indian Origin, and Overseas Corporate Bodies.
  • Advised heads of significant business families in India comprising UHNW individuals and multi-jurisdictional assets.
  • Structured assets and holdings of UHNW individuals for their estates in India and abroad.
  • Drafted wills for various UHNW individuals and heads of leading corporate houses of India.
  • Creation and management of testamentary trusts.
  • Acted on behalf of an Acquirer for making an Open Offer to shareholders of a public company under the SEBI Takeover Code.
  • Advised on various aspects of the Securities & Exchange Board of India Takeover Code.
  • Advised on numerous elements of substantial acquisitions of shares, shareholding regulatory thresholds, scope and implications under these regulations, availing of exemptions contained in the Code, Insider Trading, corporate disclosures, Codes of conduct, and other related issues.